
RheumaLin contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients that targets the enzymes that cause the inflammation and optimises joint preservation.


RheumaLin contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients that targets the enzymes that cause the inflammation and optimises joint preservation.
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What is RheumaLin?

RheumaLin contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients that can inhibit the production of key inflammatory mediators that act as triggers for inflammation, thereby addressing the source of inflammation.  RheumaLin is gentle on your stomach and can therefore be used over extended periods of time.

RheumaLin, your natural anti-inflammatory and joint preservation solution.

What does RheumaLin do?

Independent research has shown that the individual plant-derived ingredients contained within this unique blend may help with the alleviation of back, neck & joint pain by targeting multiple biological pathways involved in inflammation.

What is the dosage for RheumaLin?

Always start with the acute dose for 7 days, then:

For support during acute inflammatory pain: Take 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals.

For support during chronic inflammatory pain: Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day with meals.

What are the side effects of RheumaLin?

The individual ingredients contained within RheumaLin are generally considered to have a low side effect profile. Arthritis Research UK, a British arthritis research organisation, for example, has given Indian Frankincense a rating of 4 out of 5 for efficacy and a green safety rating. (The safest category).

Diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea may occur. Always take RheumaLin with a meal to avoid potential side effects.

Does RheumaLin have the same effect on your stomach as anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs)?

The gastro-intestinal side effects caused by Indian Frankincense are different from those caused by NSAIDs. In contrast, it has been shown in animal models that boswellic acids possess a dose-dependent anti-ulcer effect. A number of clinical trials using boswellic acid extracts on human subjects with inflammatory bowel disease as a potential therapeutic agent have also been conducted. Another review remarked on a retrospective analysis done on various laboratory parameters in subjects receiving boswellic acid preparations for a variety of conditions. No significant adverse changes over a 6-year period were observed relating to boswellic acid preparations before or after treatment.

Where can I buy RheumaLin?
  • Shop Online
  • South Africa: At any pharmacy. No prescription is required.
  • Namibia: At any pharmacy. No prescription is required.
  • International: Email us at info@mnilifestyle.co.za for international purchasing information.
I am allergic to all fish related products and ingredients. Can I safely take RheumaLin?

Yes, you can take RheumaLin, as it does not contain glucosamine or chondroitin. RheumaLin contains a blend of plant-derived ingredients and is therefore free of fish or animal derived ingredients.

I am currently on cortisone and anti-inflammatory medication. Can I combine them with RheumaLin?

Yes, RheumaLin can safely be used in combination with both steroidal (cortisone) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as with all pain medication. We have found that by taking RheumaLin many of our patients find that they can reduce the need, and the potential side effects, of conventional pain and anti-inflammatory medication.

How soon after I start taking RheumaLin will I feel relief from my inflammatory pain?

Most people report that they feel a relief within 2 to 4 weeks.  This may however vary from one client to the next, depending on the extent of the inflammation.

Will RheumaLin cause stomach ulcers?

No.  The mechanism of action of RheumaLin is different to steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.  Like most medications, for example multi-vitamins, RheumaLin may however aggravate existing stomach problems, so caution should therefore be taken in those cases. RheumaLin should always be taken with meals and never on an empty stomach.

Will RheumaLin help to alleviate my morning stiffness?

Yes.  By combatting chronic inflammation, RheumaLin may also alleviate morning stiffness that is so commonly associated with such inflammation and inflammatory pain.

Will RheumaLin decrease the effectiveness of my contraceptive medication?

No, it will not.  The mechanisms of action are different for RheumaLin compared to contraceptive methods and medications, so the risk for possible drug interactions should be minimal.  

I don’t stay in South Africa. Can I still get RheumaLin?

Yes, definitely.

  • Namibia – At any pharmacy. No prescription is required.
  • International – email us at info@mnilifestyle.co.za for international purchasing information.
Will my medical aid pay for RheumaLin?

Yes, RheumaLin has a Nappi code, which means that the medical aid will pay for it provided that you have a medical aid savings option with available savings.

Can I take RheumaLin during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The safety of using RheumaLin during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been established.  MNI therefore recommends discontinuing use of RheumaLin during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  In cases where you feel the benefits of taking RheumaLin outweighs the risks, take the package insert to your consulting specialist and obtain consent and approval from your treating specialist for continued use.

Do you have any self-assessments on pain available?

Yes, we do have a free pain scale assessment available.  Arthritic pain can have a significant impact on the quality of your life. Use our Assessment Survey to help you obtain more insight and gain a fresh perspective of your condition, as well as identify possible solutions and find out what others are experiencing when faced with similar problems. Click here for pain assessment

I am on medication for high blood pressure. Can I take RheumaLin with it?

Yes, you can. The mechanisms of action are different for RheumaLin compared to blood pressure medication, so the risk for possible drug interactions should be minimal. Chronic pain may even lead to elevated blood pressure levels, and by reducing pain levels with RheumaLin, high blood pressure may in some cases even show secondary improvement.

Can I take RheumaLin if I am on blood thinning medication?

Yes, you can.  If you are on medicines such as warfarin to prevent blood clots, RheumaLin may however increase bleeding potential and blood monitoring is therefore recommended.

Can RheumaLin be taken safely in combination with MNI product range and other supplements?

Yes, all of the MNI products can safely be taken in combination with each other as a complete wellbeing solution.

Can RheumaLin be taken by individuals with abnormal liver function

Yes, just with caution.  RheumaLin is however contraindicated in cases of advanced liver disease. If you have any concerns, consult with your doctor.

I have difficulty with swallowing tablets. Can I break RheumaLin in two halves, or will it decrease the effectiveness?

You can definitely break the tablets in two halves, or crush the tablet with a tablet crusher, to make swallowing easier.  It will in no way decrease its effectiveness.

I am a very active sports person and would like to protect my joints. Can I use RheumaLin?

Yes, you definitely can. Prevention is better than cure.  Because sports people may put a lot of strain on their joints, it is important to put a preventative measure in place. RheumaLin is a new generation, natural, anti-inflammatory product that may assist with joint preservation.

Why is chronic pain such a problem?

Chronic pain has a significant impact on your general health and quality of life, and the damage caused by inflammatory pain may be worse than the pain itself. This is often seen in cases of arthritis. RheumaLin is a new generation approach to the management of such chronic inflammatory pain.

Are there any new treatment options available for osteoarthritis?

Yes. Extracts from Indian frankincense resin, contained within RheumaLin, have been used in traditional Middle Eastern medicine, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent for centuries. Accumulating evidence in scientific literature from both animal and human studies supports the use of frankincense resin for a variety of inflammatory disorders. These include several randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on human subjects suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. This demonstrated that frankincense resin helps to reduce pain and swelling whilst improving joint mobility.

Why is pain medication alone not sufficient in the management of inflammatory pain?

Pain medication treats the symptoms of inflammatory pain, and not the cause. The damage caused by the inflammation may be worse than the pain. RheumaLin is a new generation anti-inflammatory product that treats the cause of inflammatory pain, not just the symptoms.

What are the signs and symptoms of inflammation? How would I know if I am suffering from inflammation?

The classical signs of inflammation include pain, redness, swelling, a warm sensation in the area and a decrease/loss of function. A large number of inflammatory processes that take place within the body, however, do not present with any obvious symptoms. Although they remain active, they often go undetected until disease strikes its first blow. Because of its low side effect profile, RheumaLin can be taken as a preventative anti-inflammatory measure.

Who is at risk of developing chronic inflammation?

Basically anyone.  A multitude of factors contribute to the development of chronic inflammation. These include environmental factors, diet, genetic make-up and stress levels. Excess body fat, especially when occurring in the abdominal area, is also linked to chronic inflammation. High-fat diets, low levels of physical activity and stress also play a role in increasing an individual’s risk of inflammation. Because of its low side effect profile, RheumaLin can be taken as a preventative anti-inflammatory measure.

Is there a link between inflammation and stress?

Yes, most definitely.  Studies have shown that psychological contributors to systemic inflammation include stress, anxiety disorders and depression. Sleep disorders, including inadequate, interrupted or poor quality sleep, also contribute to increasing levels of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation also causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol which has the potential to disrupt the body’s immune system. This may result in an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections, as well as an increased risk of cancer. RheumaLin and NeuroVance can safely be taken in combination.

RheumaLin contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients that can inhibit the production of key inflammatory mediators that act as triggers for inflammation, thereby addressing the source of inflammation.  RheumaLin is gentle on your stomach and can therefore be used over extended periods of time.  

RheumaLin, your natural anti-inflammatory and joint preservation solution. 

What does RheumaLin do?

Independent research has shown that the individual plant-derived ingredients contained within this unique blend may help with the alleviation of back, neck & joint pain by targeting multiple biological pathways involved in inflammation.

What can RheumaLin assist with?

RheumaLin contains a blend of ingredients recognised for their ability to help:

  • Alleviate inflammation
  • Combat cartilage and connective tissue destruction due to inflammatory conditions
  • Reduce inflammatory pain
  • Improve joint mobility
  • Preserve joints
  • Slow tissue destruction
What does RheumaLin contain?

RheumaLin contains a unique blend of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients recognised for their ability to help alleviate joint inflammation, pain, improve mobility and aid in preventing joint degradation. Its multi-modal pharmaceutical action is achieved through selectively blocking key inflammatory enzymes that play a dominant role in the activation and maintenance of inflammation, pain and joint destruction. The ingredients contained within RheumaLin are Indian frankincense and resveratrol.

Indian frankincense is a bark resin extract that has been used for centuries in traditional Indian, Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine as an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving remedy. Recent high-level research studies have shown its ability to reduce inflammatory damage to tissue, associated pain and joint mobility through a number of molecular mechanisms.

Resveratrol is a natural compound made by various plants as a defence mechanism in response to microbial and fungal infections. It occurs naturally in low amounts in several edible plants and plant-based products such as grapes, cranberries, peanuts and red wine. New research is unveiling its promise for treatment of inflammatory conditions, including arthritis.

One tablet contains:

Resveratrol 50%50mg

Indian frankincense tree gum resin extract in a proprietary blend (Boswellia
serrata- contains 65% Boswellic acids in a 6:1 extract)
Additive: Vitamin E 50% SD (as DL-alpha tocopheryl acetate)
Resveratrol 50%50mg

Free from: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Sucrose, Lactose, Gluten and Tartrazine

Who may benefit from taking RheumaLin?

Anyone suffering from joint, back or neck pain, or chronic arthritic conditions may benefit from taking RheumaLin.

What is the usual dosage?

Always start with the acute dose for 7 days, then:

For acute inflammatory pain: Take 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals.

For chronic inflammatory pain: Take 1 – 2 tablets twice a day with meals.

Who should not use RheumaLin?

RheumaLin should not be used if you:

  • Are hypersensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients contained within RheumaLin
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have advanced liver disease
Are there any side effects?

The individual ingredients contained within RheumaLin are generally considered to have a low side effect profile. Arthritis Research UK, a British arthritis research organisation, for example, has given Indian Frankincense a rating of 4 out of 5 for efficacy and a green safety rating (the safest category). RheumaLin is gentle on the stomach and therefore will not have the significant side effects like those posed by NSAIDs. Diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea may occur.

Can RheumaLin be used in combination with prescription drugs such as pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs)?

Yes, RheumaLin can be used in combination with both steroidal (cortisone) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s), as well as with all pain killing medication (analgesics). Trials conducted on Indian Frankincense have demonstrated that, in many instances, subjects suffering from joint pain were able to reduce their prescription medication requirement significantly, thereby reducing the potential of long-term side effects commonly caused by NSAIDs and steroids.

Where can RheumaLin be obtained?
  • Shop Online
  • South Africa At any pharmacy.  No prescription is required.
  • Namibia At any pharmacy.  No prescription is required.
  • International Email us at info@mnilifestyle.co.za for international purchasing information.


Pharmacological mode of action

RheumaLin contains a blend of two phytochemical (plant-derived) compounds. These are a gum resin extract obtained from the Indian frankincense tree (Boswellia serrata) and resveratrol, a phenolic compound found in various plant species such as grapes, cranberries and peanuts. These each act to safely modulate key enzymes involved in stimulating inflammation, joint degradation and pain.

Indian frankincense

Extracts from frankincense resin have been used in traditional Ayurvedic, Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine as an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent for centuries. Accumulating evidence in scientific literature from both animal and human studies supports the use of frankincense resin for a variety of inflammatory disorders. This includes several randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on human subjects suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, which demonstrated that frankincense resin helps to reduce pain and swelling whilst improving joint mobility (Kimmatkar et al. 2003, Sengupta et al. 2007, Sontakke et al. 2007).

The effects of frankincense resin are biochemically attributed to a group of chemical compounds called boswellic acids, all pentacyclic triterpenes which occur in both an α- and β-configuration. Various pharmacological studies indicate that β-configured boswellic acids exert stronger bioactivities as compared to the respective α-isomers.  Whilst the anti-inflammatory effects of the steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are pharmacologically ascribed to the broad-based blocking of key inflammatory mediators at a high level in the inflammatory cascade, boswellic acids appear to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on a more selective basis at a lower level. By acting more specifically, it is believed that significant side-effects can be reduced as pathways not related to the treatment target are less affected. Recent research suggests that the principle mode of action of frankincense resin is due to the ability of certain boswellic acids to inhibit two cardinal enzymes responsible for inflammation, pain and connective tissue degradation. These are cathepsin G (CatG) and prostaglandin E Syntase-1 (PGES)-1 (Abdel-Tawab et al. 2011).

The integrity of connective tissues such as cartilage, intervertebral discs, tendons and bones plays an integral part in a highly dynamic process that requires resisting as well as recovering from the continual friction and mechanical strain caused by movement and load bearing. Cathepsin G (CatG) is a proteolytic (protein cleaving) enzyme responsible for the breakdown of proteins through proteolysis into smaller particles such as amino acids and polypeptides.  Whilst the process of proteolysis serves many beneficial purposes, such as the removal of abnormal and preventing the unwanted proteins within tissue, the unregulated cleavage of protein-based structures can cause physical damage to cartilage, intervertebral discs, tendons and bones, thus playing a cardinal role in the development of degenerative disease.

CatG is predominantly contained within neutrophils (specialised white blood cells). Once released into the plasma, CatG cleaves numerous structural connective tissue proteins such as laminin, proteoglycan, collagen, fibronectin and elastin. In doing so, CatG plays a dominant role in both the repair and destruction of connective tissue at sites of injury or inflammation. It has been shown that CatG also activates various chemokines (chemical messenger molecules) that attract other inflammatory cells such as T-cells and leukocytes, which also release proteolytic enzymes.  Collectively, this action accelerates the rate of damage caused by the inflammatory process. Research has demonstrated that boswellic acids are powerful inhibitors of CatG. In rigid, automated, molecular docking experiments, boswellic acids tightly bound to the active centre of CatG derived from human neutrophils and strongly suppressed the proteolytic activity of CatG as a result, thus displaying the potential to help alleviate inflammatory pain and preserve joint health by helping to prevent the enzymatic degradation of cartilage and surrounding soft tissues (Tauch et al. 2009).

Prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) is an enzymatic catalyst that acts as a dominant inflammatory mediator in the prostaglandin pathway, an essential component of the inflammatory cascade. Activation of mPGES-1 results in production of Prostaglandin E which leads to fever, swelling and pain, a process that assists with the healing of injured tissues and resisting infection. In contrast, however, excess levels of mPGES-1 are also implicated in the activation and maintenance of a number of pathological inflammatory conditions that include Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. As a consequence, mPGES-1 is now regarded as a primary target for the development of novel anti-inflammatory drugs.

Research has demonstrated that boswellic acids are potent inhibitors of human mPGES1. In particular, β-configured boswellic acid was found to be highly effective both in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the transformation of prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), as mediated by mPGES1, in cells as well as human whole blood (Siemoneit et al. 2010).


Resveratrol is a phytoalexin stilbene made by various plant species as a defence mechanism in response to microbial and fungal infections. It occurs naturally in low amounts in several edible plants and plant-based products such as grapes, cranberries, peanuts and red wine. In contrast to frankincense resin, resveratrol’s entry into the scientific world is relatively new and data from animal and experimental studies in relation to the alleviation of certain inflammatory conditions appears promising.

At cellular level, osteoarthritis is characterised by an imbalance between the processes that lead to the anabolism (building up) and catabolism (breaking down) of cartilage. Disruption of the internal regulatory environment within cartilage cells results in metabolic changes, loss of adhesion properties, elevation of protein cleaving enzymes and degradation of the structural matrix components of cartilage such as collagen and proteoglycan. The biological activity of these potentially damaging pathways is to a large degree regulated by nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB), which may be activated in response to injury, endotoxins or inflammatory mediators. After activation, NF-κB prompts the expression of more than 400 genes, some of which are intimately involved in the process of regulating cartilage apoptosis (cell death) and activating inflammation.  Dysregulation of NF-κB has medically been associated with various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including cartilage degradation and joint destruction. In recent years, novel and modern therapeutic strategies have therefore focused on the selective inhibition of the NF-kB signalling pathway.

Experimental research has examined the effects of resveratrol on human cartilage and human articular chondrocytes (cartilage cells). Research specimens used in this study were derived from articular cartilage explants obtained from healthy femoral head cartilage acquired during routine joint replacement surgery for femoral neck fractures. In this study, resveratrol demonstrated convincing anti-apoptotic (preventing cell death), anti-oxidative (neutralising free radical damage) and anti-inflammatory effects. These observations were directly linked to the ability of resveratrol to inhibit the signalling pathway of nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB) (Shakibaei M et al. 2008).


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