Weight Loss

Get started today, bunderstanding why it is so hard

Are you finding it more difficult than ever to lose weight? If so, you may have become insulin resistant. An easy way to find out is to check your waist circumference. Males with a waistline measurement of more than 94 cm and females more than 80cm have a high chance of having insulin resistance.

Do you want to lose weight and improve your health?

If so, we suggest that you follow a strategy that will:

  • Put your body into a fat burning mode by combatting insulin resistance
  • Help maintain your energy levels and prevent hunger and cravings
  • Be medically safe and help improve your overall health
  • Be practical and sustainable over the short and long term
  • Suppress the storage of fat and slow the formation of new fat cells

Despite what you may have been told, losing weight is difficult, everyone is different and there is no quick-fix solution. The reasons why people gain or fail to lose weight are numerous and scientifically rather complex. From our ever-increasing understanding of the biochemistry and genetics of obesity, one thing is clear; being overweight has a strong underlying biological foundation which can prove very difficult to overcome. What this means is that while you can make the physiological decision to lose weight and stick with it, your own body might not make it so easy.

Why do I gain weight so easily?

One gains weight because of the progressive accumulation of body fat and in some cases, additional tissue fluid. This process is based on two different mechanisms. The first involves growth of your existing fat cells, in other words, the ones that you were born with. Depending on your genetics, environment in the womb and other factors you may be at a disadvantage from day one, starting with more fat cells that are better and more efficient at storing fat.

The second, somewhat lessor known but equally important mechanism relates to how adults constantly make new fat cells, called adipocytes in medical terms, through the biological process of adipogenesis. This not only takes place in one’s existing fatty tissue, where new fat cells are squashed in-between those that already exist, but also begins to happen in other parts of one’s body which, under normal conditions, would not contain many fat cells. Once manufactured, these new fat cells start to accumulate more fat and progressively grow in size. Besides causing general weight-gain, these two mechanisms also lead to the progressive enlargement and distortion of fatty tissue, often referred to as ‘cellulite’ in cosmetic terms. The ability of fat cells to both grow and multiply therefore leads to an exponential increase in fatty tissue.

Added to the above, as your body puts on fat, it also accelerates this increase in fat. New research has shown that compared to lean adults, obese adults produce about twice as many new fat cells every year. Having built up a large supply of fat cells, and with each new cell making it easier to add to the pool, it is not surprising that so many overweight and obese people find it very hard to lose, and so easy to gain, weight.

More than a numbers game…

It is a generally accepted medical fact that excess body fat causes ill health. It is also known that the body has various self-regulating healing mechanisms that control or counteract disease. Ideally, one would expect the same to happen with excess body fat.

On the contrary, however, once fat cells progressively fill with fat, an odd and somewhat counterproductive phenomenon occurs. Instead of releasing its fat, which for obvious reasons would be beneficial to the ailing body, engorged fat cells start to safeguard their fatty content by progressively decreasing the release of fat. They also begin to tell other fat cells to do the same and to multiply in areas where fat would not usually be prevalent, such as the liver. Modern researchers searching for clues as to why this happens have discovered that the secret largely lies with the fact that engorged fat cells initiate a cellular communication process through the release of certain chemical messenger molecules, called ‘adipokines’. These messenger molecules start to communicate not only with cells in the immediate area, but also with other cells in distant parts of the body. Some adipokines trigger the formation of new fat cells whilst others disrupt the normal functioning of insulin, the hormone that controls metabolism.

The importance of insulin resistance

Although insulin is the dominant regulator of blood sugar control and therefore plays a crucial role in health, various studies have demonstrated that chronically elevated insulin levels also causes you to gain weight. This is due to the fact that insulin plays an intricate role in the body’s ability to store fat. Insulin as a hormone essentially puts your body into an energy storing mode, increasing the storage and creation of new fat, and making it harder to use this fat for energy. Insulin resistance is a condition during which the body fails to respond to the normal regulatory effects of insulin. Trying to overcome this, the body compensates by producing more insulin, causing blood insulin levels to rise.

Once insulin resistance sets in, your metabolism effectively slows down and it becomes increasingly more difficult to lose weight. This is because, with insulin resistance, fat cells stop releasing fat, leaving you virtually incapable of shedding those unwanted kilos.

Insulin resistance can be managed

In summary, you may be experiencing a real uphill struggle with your weight because:

  • You have more body fat, but that’s only part of the problem.
  • You most likely also have more fat cells.
  • In addition, you are adding to that pool by making new fat cells at twice the rate of a lean person.
  • To crown it all, your fat cells, because of the likely presence of insulin resistance, will biochemically be significantly less inclined to release their stored fat.

In order to lose weight, the modern therapeutic approach to improve your metabolism follows a strategy which optimises your body’s biochemical processes in such a manner that it simultaneously alleviates insulin resistance, suppresses the storage capabilities of fat by existing fat cells and prevents the continual formation of new fat cells. Therapies able to regulate both the size and number of fat cells over the long term have therefore become a new therapeutic goal to help treat overweight and obese individuals. In addition, this strategy should also help you to regulate your appetite.

But how can this be achieved?

Losing weight is not easy, but by rationally developing and actively implementing a weight loss plan based on all the different contributors to insulin resistance and fat accumulation, it can be achieved. Depending on the extent of weight you wish to lose, and underlying health conditions, this process may need to involve active participation from your healthcare provider, including various medications. In most cases, however, actively adjusting your lifestyle to focus on healthy habits together with complementary supplements can be enough to see a satisfactory change.

In order to get started on your journey towards a healthy lifestyle and slimmer body, follow these two simple steps:

  • Optimise your metabolism with AntaGolin. Read more.


What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a complex biological process that the body activates in order to heal itself when injured, damaged by toxic chemicals or invaded by harmful micro-organisms.

Various cells, enzymes and hormonal-like substances are involved in the process. When triggered or ‘activated’, inflammation rapidly escalates into a cascade of consecutive biological events, a process that is largely controlled by small protein-based molecules called cytokines. After activation, inflammation has an immediate and local effect. Over time, this effect usually branches out and spreads to other parts of the body. Ideally, once inflammation has achieved its purpose of healing, it should automatically switch itself off. This is where things can potentially go wrong, since unregulated inflammation often becomes chronic and, instead of protecting the body, it starts damaging it.

What are the symptoms of inflammation?

When inflammation involves the skin, symptoms can be interpreted visually. With dermatitis or eczema, a rash appears. Early signs include redness, scaling, swelling or crusting. If allowed to progress, blistering, cracking and oozing may result. The body also perceives the presence of inflammation through the experience of pain.

A large number of inflammatory processes that take place within the body, however, do not present with any obvious symptoms. Although they remain active, they often go undetected until disease strikes its first blow. An example of this so-called “silent inflammation” is the process that takes place inside blood vessels such as arteries, veins and capillaries. Over time, this process damages the lining of blood vessels and leads to many life threatening cardio-vascular complications such as heart attacks, stroke and gangrene.

Of renewed medical interest is the inflammation that takes place within body fat. Whilst largely unrecognised in the past, the inflammatory consequences and detrimental biochemical agents that are produced by fat cells contained within fatty tissue are now directly associated with the development of insulin resistance and various other life threatening medical conditions associated with Metabolic Syndrome (MetS).

Preventing and lessening inflammation in your body is therefore not just a matter of day to day comfort, but long-term health.

“Inflammatory soup” – the ultimate biological brew

In response to injury or infection, a variety of chemicals are released by tissue cells, nerve fibres and immune cells at the site of the problem. These include various enzymes and pro-inflammatory messenger molecules called ‘cytokines’. Soon, additional cells and chemical substances produced in other parts of the body arrive at the scene of the action, summoned by the cytokines and shipped to the region via the bloodstream. A consequence of this brew of biological and cellular activity is inflammation and the milieu that it occurs within is commonly referred to as “inflammatory soup”.

Collateral damage – the consequence of chronic inflammation

When an injury occurs or the body is overrun by infection, blood vessels in the immediate region dilate to encourage the increase of blood flow to the problem region. This allows white blood cells to migrate towards the battlefield in large numbers. Arriving at the front-line, these immediately go to war. Of their most effective weapons are powerful inflammatory enzymes that, almost like pool acid, have the ability to dissolve protein.

When these enzymes dissolve enemy microbes and injured bodily tissue, it’s obviously beneficial. However, healthy tissue such as organs, blood vessels, nerve tissue and joints are also made out of protein and can therefore also be partially dissolved through the same process. The reality is that the effects of these enzymes cannot selectively be focussed, but more like carpet bombing, involve the entire region. In this case, inflammation causes cellular and structural damage to healthy tissue for no good reason.

Normally, once injured or affected tissue has been healed, the body shuts the process down by decreasing the production of its sabre-rattling warmongers, the ‘pro-inflammatory cytokines’ and increasing the production of its diplomatic peace-makers, the ‘anti-inflammatory cytokines’. The inflammatory process consequently burns out and the system returns to a non-inflamed state.

With chronic inflammation, however, the body, for various biochemical reasons, continues to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. Like mercenaries without a war, these tend to get up to mischief, not only at the site of injury or infection, but by drifting off to other regions as well, thereby spreading inflammation and the consequences thereof throughout the body. Since this process has no benefit to the body, it is considered a pathological disease state.

Who is at risk of developing chronic inflammation?

A multitude of factors contribute to the development of chronic inflammation. These include environmental factors, diet, genetic make-up and stress levels. Excess body fat, especially when occurring in the abdominal area, is also linked to chronic inflammation. High-fat diets, low levels of physical activity and stress also play a role in increasing an individual’s risk of inflammation.

What is the link between inflammation and the metabolic syndrome?

Chronic low-grade inflammation is found in the majority of patients with the metabolic syndrome. It is also now known to play a dominant role in the development of the individual components of MetS, such as high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, glucose intolerance and obesity.

What is the link between inflammation and cancer?

Systemic inflammation and its biochemical impact play a pivotal role in the development of cancer. Once activated, chronic inflammation becomes a major breeding ground for cancerous mutations. Insulin resistance, especially in the presence of obesity, and its many interconnections with inflammation have directly been linked to a substantial increase in the incidence of cancer. In a recent study involving more than five million people, researchers investigated the effects of excess body fat on 22 different forms of cancer that represent 90% of all cancer cases diagnosed in the United Kingdom. It was found that Body Mass Index (BMI) was directly associated with 17 of the 22 cancers, especially cancers of the uterus, gallbladder, kidney and liver.

However, systemic inflammation is not exclusively linked to obesity and people of normal weight may also experience chronic inflammation as a result of other factors, including diet and physical inactivity. These individuals are therefore also at a higher risk of developing cancer.

What is the link between inflammation and pain?

A routine consequence of inflammation is the release of various biochemical substances that trigger the sensation of pain. Just as light reaching the receptors of the eyes sets off a biochemical reaction that result in sight, certain biochemical agents that are released during the process of inflammation activate pain receptors in the body. Once switched on, these pass pain messages via the nervous system to the brain. Chronic inflammation, therefore, plays a dominant role in a number of chronic pain syndromes, including joint and muscle pain, headaches and gastrointestinal pain.

What is the link between inflammation and stress?

Studies have shown that psychological contributors to systemic inflammation include stress, anxiety disorders and depression. Sleep disorders, including inadequate, interrupted or poor quality sleep, also contribute to increasing levels of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation also causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol which has the potential to disrupt the body’s immune system. This may result in an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections, as well as an increased risk of cancer.

How can lifestyle changes improve or manage chronic inflammation?

Medical science has increasingly been demonstrating that we are able to intervene in the process of chronic inflammation by making certain changes to our lifestyles. This helps to balance the body’s natural immune response and allows inflammation to achieve a more beneficial outcome instead of spiralling out of control and causing damage.

These lifestyle changes should address the environmental factors that contribute to chronic inflammation such as eating habits, physical activity, stress and excess body fat. A diet rich in whole foods with fibre and monounsaturated fats is inherently anti-inflammatory in biochemical terms. It will also contribute to weight loss when combined with restricted calories and exercise.

Mounting evidence also shows that regular exercise reduces inflammation, improves immune function, strengthens the cardiovascular system and corrects as well as prevents insulin resistance. Exercise also helps to reduce the negative consequences of stress on the system.

How can I improve, prevent or manage inflammation?

As already discussed, chronic inflammation is mostly a lifestyle disorder, meaning it is caused by unhealthy diets, lack of exercise and excessive intake of toxic substances like alcohol and tobacco. What is interesting about inflammation in particular, is that many food stuffs, herbs and spices, as well as exercise, efficiently lessen its impacts on long term health, through preventing inflammation inducing damage in the first place and actively calming the immune system. What this means is that whether you suffer from acute or chronic inflammation, or are only worried about the effects it might have should it arise, the best ways to address your concerns are the same. These are:

  • Follow a healthy and anti-inflammatory diet. This includes incorporation of fresh fruits and vegetables, high fibre, complex carbohydrates and cutting down on red meat where possible. MNI’s C.A.P.E. meal plan gives you a brilliant and comprehensive introduction to an eating style that will not only reduce inflammation, but improve your health over-all.
  • Stay active. Exercise is a potent anti-inflammatory, releasing numerous signals that help calm the immune system and keep it busy repairing muscle, rather than targeting innocent tissues. Exercise also goes a long way in reducing the chances of development of other chronic conditions associated with inflammation, such as diabetes and cancer. For beginners exercises allowing you to get started today, browse through MNI’s complementary exercise plans.
  • Avoid toxic substances, including excessive alcohol, tobacco and damaging food stuffs like processed carbohydrates and sugar. While your body has the ability to deal with very small amounts of these substances, it quickly becomes overwhelmed, leading to inflammation, damage to you organs and ultimately a wide array of chronic diseases.
  • Try FlamLeve today. FlamLeve is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps to combat inflammation, relieve pain and protect the internal organs against inflammatory damage. It can be used to alleviate pain and inflammation in several acute and chronic inflammatory conditions involving the muscles and organs. FlamLeve also helps to protect your body and organs from damage caused by inflammation and can therefore be used on a preventative basis as a daily supplement.


  1. Faloia Emanuela et al. Inflammation as a Link between Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Vol 2012.
  2. Rosario Monteiro and Isabel Azevedo. Chronic Inflammation in Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome. Mediators of Inflammation, Vol 2010.
  3. K Bhaskaran – Body-mass index and risk of 22 specific cancers: a population-based cohort study of 5·24 million UK adults The Lancet, 14 August 2014.

Pain and inflammation

The link between pain and inflammation

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is part of a complex biological response serving to help combat infection, restore injured tissues, and neutralise toxins. Besides helping to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury (such as a microbe or toxin), inflammation also helps clear out dead cells and damaged tissues in preparation for tissue repair.

Why can inflammation be harmful to the body?

In order to clear out dead cells and tissues, several different protein-degrading enzymes are produced during the inflammatory process. These enzymes are highly corrosive and dissolve any protein-based tissue, often at an astonishing rate. Protein-degrading enzymes are also the main defensive weapons used by white blood cells to destroy foreign microbial organisms. Since the caustic activity of these enzymes cannot be selectively contained within a specific region, collateral damage to structurally sound tissues commonly occurs. Over time, the rate of tissue damage overtakes the rate of repair, resulting in a nett loss of bodily tissue.

Why is inflammation also the leading cause of chronic pain?

Pain is perceived through specialised nerve cells (neurons) called nociceptors. Situated throughout the entire body, they respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending pain signals to the brain via the spinal cord. This process, called nociception, is biochemically triggered by several different kinds of signalling molecules produced during inflammation. Chronic inflammation is therefore also the leading cause of both acute and chronic pain.

Painful conditions caused by chronic inflammation:



Neck pain and tension headache

What causes neck pain?

Both acute and chronic neck ache is caused by inflammation, a biological process that is initiated and controlled by several different biochemical signalling pathways within the body. Whilst a painful or stiff neck is a common condition that affects up to two-thirds of the general population at some stage of their lives, repetitive or recurrent bouts of neck pain may also indicate that inflammation could slowly be causing permanent, structural damage to the neck. If this is allowed to happen, acute neck pain will become a chronic, permanent feature. In the latest Global Burden of Disease study (GDB 2013), chronic neck pain is ranked the fourth biggest cause of chronic disability in the world, suggesting that early treatment and prevention are too often neglected

Where does neck pain originate from?

The neck consists of several different tissue types which can each be a source of pain. These are:

  • Vertebrae – segments of bone stacked upon each other that provide strength and structure.
  • Intervertebral discs – circular pads of pliable soft tissue situated between the vertebrae. These allow for flexibility in all directions.
  • Ligaments – fibrous bands which keep the vertebra in place.
  • Nerves (spinal chord) – runs along the spinal column and branches off between each vertebra. These pass information from the brain to the rest of the body.
  • Muscles – situated on the sides and behind the vertebrae.
  • Facet joints – small joints covered by cartilage that allow the vertebra to rotate upon each other.

Importantly, all of these tissues can activate the sensation or perception of pain, both individually and in combination. Effective treatment is therefore highly dependent on identifying the exact source of pain, and extremely important as some tissues may be irreversibly damaged by inflammation. For example, whilst muscles are able to recover from inflammation with ease, inflammatory damage done to the intervertebral discs can become a real and permanent problem.

What is the most common cause of acute neck pain?

  • Muscle inflammation
    Whilst most muscles in the body completely relax when they’re not being used, others, called ‘anti-gravity muscles’, work continuously to maintain your posture. A large proportion of muscles in your neck are of this kind, and so are always tense to prevent your head from flopping over. This gives your neck muscles very little time to relax and often contributes to chronic pain, as there is insufficient opportunity to recover. Painful muscle inflammation can be caused by several mechanisms, including sprains, strain, poor posture, falling asleep in an awkward position, or whiplash injury. Another common cause is the use of a computer for prolonged periods of time, which can contribute to chronic muscle spasm and pain. Additionally, anxiety and stress commonly cause increased muscle tension and pain in your neck muscles.

How does muscle inflammation trigger headaches?

A tension headache, also known as a tension-type headache, originates from the neck and radiates around the head in a band like a manner where it creates a frontal, nagging, and pressing headache. Tension-type headaches are the most common form of a headache and account for nearly 90% of all headaches. In the majority of cases, neck muscle inflammation and spasm are the most frequent triggers that both causes and aggravates tension type headaches.

What are the most common causes of chronic neck pain?

  • Spondylosis or disc prolapse
    Spondylosis is a collective term used to describe the combined effects of several degenerative processes that progressively start to affect the spine. It usually begins in one or more of the intervertebral discs situated between the vertebrae and then spreads to surrounding tissues such as ligaments, joints, and bones. Besides causing local pain, an inflamed intervertebral disc may progressively become weakened through continual enzymatic activity caused by inflammation. This corrosive activity makes the disk increasingly more prone to future damage and even collapse. A collapsed disk may cause direct pressure on the nerve roots as they exit the spinal cord between each vertebra, causing a referred pain syndrome during which pain radiates down the shoulder or arm. Tingling or pins and needles are also common symptoms, whilst in a more advanced state, weakness and loss of sensation may occur within the hands or arms.
  • Osteoarthritis
    This is a common condition that mainly affects the integrity of the cartilage, especially as one becomes older. Osteoarthritis mostly affects the small facet joints between the vertebrae, as they are the only cartilage containing structures in the neck. Importantly, the presence of osteoarthritis in the neck is commonly associated with the presence of several other inflammatory conditions, such as spondylosis, where protein containing structures in the spine are simultaneously degraded. Since the neck is predominantly protein-based, these cumulative effects can cause severe impairment and chronic disability over time.

How is neck pain treated?

  • Step 1 – the alleviation of acute pain to improve the quality of your life and help you to remain functional and productive.
  • Step 2 – the implementation of preventative self-help strategies to protect you from the permanent structural damage that chronic inflammation may cause to your neck.

Acute pain management for acute neck ache and tension-type headaches

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long-term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease the pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or a hot-water bottle. Heat dilates the blood vessels which improves blood supply to the back and helps to reduce muscle spasms. Heat also alters the sensation of pain. (Some find cold packs offering better relief – for example, a bag of frozen peas).
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics or chiropractic therapy may prove helpful. A good massage may also assist.

Preventative self-help strategies:

By preserving the integrity and mobility of your neck you are in turn protecting it from the consequences of chronic inflammatory damage over time. Judging from the number of people in the world who become permanently disabled from chronic neck pain, these easy to implement but important strategies will likely prove one of the most worthwhile investments in your overall health.

  • Stretch your neck
    Stretching is a form of physical exercise during which a contracted, tight, or painfully stiff ligament or muscle group is deliberately lengthened in order to improve its elasticity and achieve a more relaxed tone. When done properly, this results in a more comfortable feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. Regular stretching is an excellent way to alleviate muscle inflammation and pain. This is achieved by gently stretching your neck muscles as you tilt your head up and down, and rotating your head by looking far right and far leftover your shoulders.
  • Strengthen your neck muscles with exercise
    Although exercise is usually not advisable for acute back pain, proper exercise can help ease chronic pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. Modern research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role that muscle tissue plays as an endocrine (hormone-producing) organ. Contracting muscles release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines also have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory effects assist locally with inflammation in your neck, as well as systemically in the rest of your body. As with any physical activity, you’ll need to use some common sense when doing these.
  • Use supplements that naturally reduce inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high-level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation and are also the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Manage stress better
    Since any form of stress will increase the tension in the muscles of your neck and could precipitate tension headaches, you will benefit tremendously from learning how to manage stress.
  • Correct your posture
    A bad posture especially, when sitting or reading is a common cause for neck pain. Ideally you should be sitting with your hips and knees at right angles and you should have good support for your lower back. Hardback, upright chairs or straight-backed rocking chairs are better for your posture than low, soft, upholstered chairs or sofas. Using back supports can help your posture when sitting at home, at work or in the car. If your desk is too low, so that your head is bent forward for long periods, then your neck may be stretched and you may develop muscle pain. Check the height of your desk and the design of your chair at work and at home. Many employers have occupational health specialists who can check that workstations are set up according to your needs. If you do a lot of reading, having the book or papers on a reading frame will often help to correct your posture.
  • Avoid periods of immobility
    Keeping your head in the same position for too long may cause muscle inflammation. Take regular breaks from your desk, driving or any activity where your neck may be held in the same position for an extended period of time, or perform regular stretches during the day.
  • Choose the correct pillow
    Your head and neck should be supported so your head is level with your body in a neutral position. Ideally the pillow should fill in the natural hollow between the neck and shoulders, – a soft or moulded pillow may be useful. A supportive roll inside your pillow case can also be introduced to support the hollow of your neck. Only use enough pillows (usually only one) to keep your head level with your body.
  • Check your mattress
    If your mattress doesn’t give your back proper support, it can also make neck pain worse. Make sure your mattress is relatively firm – a soft mattress could mean that your neck is bent while you sleep.
  • Massage your neck
    A regular and gentle massage of your neck will help alleviate pain and muscle inflammation.

Lower back pain

What causes back pain?

Acute and chronic backache are both caused by inflammation, a biological process that the body activates in order to heal injured tissues. Acute backache usually settles within a few weeks when the inflammatory process naturally abates. Chronic inflammation, however, results in continuous and unabating discomfort in the spine. Besides causing pain, chronic inflammation also progressively damages the spine if left to continue. In the latest Global Burden of Disease study (GDB 2013), lower back pain is ranked the single biggest cause for chronic disability in the world.

Where does the pain originate from?

The body experiences the perception of pain through specialised nerve cells called nociceptors. These are situated throughout the entire body and respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the spinal cord and brain, usually causing the perception of pain. This process, called nociception, is biochemically triggered by certain molecules which are released or become activated during inflammation. The spine consists of several different tissue types which all contain nociceptors, as listed below:

  • Vertebrae – segments of bone stacked upon each other, providing strength and structure.
  • Intervertebral discs – circular pads of pliable soft issue situated between the vertebrae. These allow flexibility and shock absorption in the spine.
  • Ligaments – fibrous bands which keep the vertebra in place.
  • Nerves – fibres that run along the spinal column throughout the body and branches off in a segmental manner between each vertebra, passing information from the body to the brain.
  • Muscles – vertical columns running down, and anchored to, the spine.
  • Facet joints – small joints covered by cartilage that allow the vertebra to rotate upon each other.

Of importance is that each tissue type can be a source of pain, either individually or collectively. In a more chronic situation, pain often originates from several different disease processes, activating pain signals in several different tissue types at the same time.

What are the most common mechanisms that causes back pain?

  • Muscle inflammation
    Painful muscle inflammation can be caused by several mechanisms including sprain, strain, poor posture, lifting heavy objects, or whiplash injury. Several different groups of muscles associated with the spine can be involved.
  • Intervertebral disc prolapse or spondylosis
    Spondylosis is the medical term used to describe the combined effects of several degenerative processes that progressively start to affect the spine. It usually begins in one or more of the intervertebral discs situated between the vertebrae and then spreads to surrounding tissues such as ligaments, joints, and bones. Besides causing local pain, an inflamed intervertebral disc may progressively become weakened through continual enzymatic activity caused by inflammation. This corrosive activity makes the disc increasingly more prone to future damage and even collapse. A collapsed disc may cause direct pressure on the nerve roots as they exit the spinal cord between each vertebra, causing a referred pain syndrome during which pain radiates down the shoulder or arm. Tingling or pins and needles are also common symptoms, whilst in a more advanced state, weakness and loss of sensation may occur within the hands or arms.
  • Osteoarthritis
    This is a common condition that mainly affects the integrity of the cartilage, especially as one becomes older. Osteoarthritis mostly affects the small facet joints between the vertebrae, as they are the only cartilage containing structures in the neck. Importantly, the presence of osteoarthritis in the neck is commonly associated with the presence of several other inflammatory conditions, such as spondylosis, where protein containing structures contained in the spine are simultaneously degraded. Since the neck is predominantly protein based, these cumulative effects can cause severe impairment and chronic disability over time.
  • Other diseases
    Less common conditions may cause or contribute to back pain in certain circumstances. These include osteoporosis (reasonably common) as well as rheumatoid arthritis and certain forms of cancers (quite rare).

What are the risk factors for chronic back pain?

The following factors increase your risk:

  • Age – lower back pain typically occurs as a first symptom between the ages of 30 and 40 and increases with age.
  • Fitness level – back ache is more common among people who are physically unfit. Weak back and abdominal muscles offer poor support to the spine.
  • Diet/weight – excess body fat increases mechanical stress on the back.
  • Genetics – conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, a rare form of arthritis that affects the spine, are genetically inheritable. Genetics may also contribute to poor bone structure, muscle development, and numerous other factors. These conditions are therefore often passed down among families.
  • Occupational risk factors – having a physical job that requires heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling, particularly when this involves twisting or vibrating the spine, can lead to injury and back pain. An inactive job or a desk job, on the other hand, may also lead to or contribute to pain, especially if you have poor posture or sit all day in an uncomfortable chair.

How is back ache treated?

  • Step 1 – alleviation of acute pain in order to improve your quality of life and help you remain as functional as possible.
  • Step 2 –implementation of self-help strategies to help prevent recurrent or chronic bouts of back ache and help to protect your spine from the permanent structural damage that chronic inflammation often causes.

Acute pain management for back ache:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or a hot-water bottle. Heat dilates the blood vessels which improves blood supply to the blood takes to the back and helps to reduce muscle spasms. Heat also alters the sensation of pain. (Some find cold packs offering better relief – for example, a bag of frozen peas).
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy may prove helpful. A good massage may also assist. Therapy may reduce inflammation, correct posture, muscle tension, or other contributors to neck pain.

Preventative self-help strategies:

By preserving the integrity and mobility of your back you are in turn protecting it from the consequences of chronic inflammatory damage over time. Judging from the number of people in the world who become permanently disabled from a chronic backache, these easy to implement but important strategies will likely prove one of the most worthwhile investments in your overall health.

  • Stretch your back
    Stretching is a form of physical exercise during which a contracted, tight, or painfully stiff ligament or muscle group is deliberately lengthened in order to improve its elasticity and achieve a more relaxed tone. When done properly, this results in a more comfortable feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. Regular stretching is an excellent way to alleviate muscle inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen your back muscles with exercise
    Although exercise is usually not advisable for acute back pain, proper exercise can help ease chronic pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. Modern research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role that muscle tissue play as an endocrine (hormone producing) organ. Contracting muscles release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines also have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory effects will assist you locally with inflammation in your spine, as well as systemically in the rest of your body. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing a herniated disc by slowing down their age-related deterioration as a result of chronic inflammation. It can also help keep your supporting back muscles strong and supple. Always stretch properly in order to warm up and cool down properly before and after any workout or sports activity.
  • Use supplements that naturally reduce inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation, and are also the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Manage stress better
    Any form and stress can increase the tension in the muscles of your spine and should therefore be managed.
  • Sleeping posture
    Your mattress should be firm enough to support your body and the weight of your shoulders and buttocks, keeping your spine straight. If your mattress is too soft, place a firm board under the mattress. Support your head with a pillow, but make sure that your neck is not forced up at a steep angle. Ideally the pillow should fill in the natural hollow between the neck and shoulders, and a soft or moulded pillow may be useful.
  • Weight-control
    Excess weight contributes to back pain as it increases the mechanical stress on the spine, hips and knees, Controlling weight may therefore prove helpful/beneficial. Although weight-loss can be very difficult to achieve, there are certain strategies that you can follow that will significantly increase your chance of success.

Read more about RheumaLin


What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Unlike other forms of arthritic diseases that may affect other parts of the body, osteoarthritis is primarily a disease of the joints.

What is joint cartilage?

Joint cartilage is the layer of robust slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they connect within a joint. Its purpose is to reduce the friction between apposing bone surfaces in order to allow bones to glide over each other during movement. During osteoarthritis the outer layer of cartilage becomes progressively weakened, starts to crumble and slowly breaks away. This eventually exposes the underlying bone and causes bone-to-bone friction during joint movement. Not surprisingly, bone rubbing on bone causes severe pain and reduces joint flexibility.

What causes osteoarthritis?

In the past, osteoarthritis was thought to be a natural consequence of the “wear and tear” process that results from ageing and frequent usage. Although partially true, new research by various investigators has since demonstrated that this is a somewhat simplistic outlook, and that the corrosive biochemical effects that inflammation has on cartilage plays a far bigger role than friction alone. This explains the reason why many marathon runners often have surprisingly low levels of osteoarthritis of their knees and hips at a later stage of their lives, especially when compared to some of their more sedentary peers. In addition, radiological evidence demonstrating the slow but steady destruction of the entire joint proves that osteoarthritis involves far more than just cartilage degradation.

Why does inflammation damage cartilage?

As part of the natural immune response, inflammation triggers the activation and release of several different enzyme systems that splice or cleave the bonds that join protein molecules together. Since cartilage is predominantly made from protein, these enzymes progressively corrode, and in the process, soften the cartilage. As a result, it becomes less resistant to impact and more prone to fragmentation. Of importance is that these enzymatic processes do not selectively degrade joint cartilage alone, but damage all other regional protein-based tissues, including ligaments, capsules, synovial membranes and adjacent bone.

What are the risk factors for developing osteoarthritis?

Various factors including genetic, biochemical, and mechanical factors play a role in the development of osteoarthritis. These determine to a degree how resistant cartilage will be against inflammatory damages, and why inflammation often lingers within a joint. The following play a role:

  • Getting older
  • Being overweight (increases friction)
  • Previous joint injury, fracture, or sprain (activates inflammation)
  • Previous joint infection (activates inflammation)
  • Joints that were not properly formed (increases risk of damage)
  • A genetic defect in joint cartilage (may cause structural weakness)
  • Extreme stresses on the joints – certain jobs and high-impact sports (increases friction)

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis predominantly causes joint pain and stiffness. The following symptoms are common:

  • Pain aggravated by movement
  • Joint tenderness
  • Stiffness, especially after having rested
  • Joints appearing slightly larger or more ‘knobbly’ than usual, especially the fingers
  • Grating sensation or crackling sound with movement
  • Decreased range of movement
  • Weakness and muscle wasting

Which joints does osteoarthritis affect?

Almost any joint can be affected by osteoarthritis, but the knees, hips, and small joints of the hands are the most common.

  • Hands
    Osteoarthritis of the hands has a strong genetic basis. Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis in the hands, especially if both your mother and grandmother were affected. Bony growths or nodules may develop on the finger joints. Nodules on the joints closest to the nails are called Heberden’s nodes whilst Bouchard’s nodes appear in the middle. This may cause the fingers to become gnarled and distorted. Additionally, the base of the thumb joint is commonly affected by osteoarthritis.
  • Knees
    Symptoms include stiffness, swelling, and pain, which makes it hard to walk, climb stairs, and get out of chairs.
  • Hips
    Symptoms include pain and stiffness of the hip joint itself, but pain can often be felt in the groin, inner thigh, or buttocks. Osteoarthritis of the hip may limit moving and bending, making daily activities such as dressing and putting on shoes a challenge.
  • Spine
    Symptoms include stiffness and pain in the neck, mid-back, or lower back. In most cases, osteoarthritis is associated with other degenerative conditions such as intervertebral disc degeneration or spondylosis.

How does one diagnose osteoarthritis?

If clinically suspected, X-rays may confirm the diagnosis and exclude other forms of arthritis. The radiological findings on X-ray include cartilage loss, bone damage, and joint distortion. The development of bony outcrops or protrusions called spurs or osteophytes are common.

How is osteoarthritis treated?

  • Step 1 – the alleviation of acute pain to improve your quality of life and help you to remain functional and productive.
  • Step 2 – the implementation of preventative self-help strategies to control your level of pain, maintain mobility, and reduce chronic inflammation.

Acute pain management

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or hot-water bottle. Heat alters the sensation of pain. Cold (for example a bag of frozen peas) may reduce inflammation by decreasing the size of blood vessels and the flow of blood to the area, and may reduce the sensation of pain through reducing nerve activity.
  • Rehabilitation therapies – Physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy may prove helpful.

Preventative self-help strategies:

  • Exercise
    Research has shown that regular exercise provides numerous benefits for those suffering from osteoarthritis. Exercise can decrease pain, increase flexibility, strengthen the heart and improve blood flow, help maintain weight, promote general physical fitness and improve mood. Contracting muscles also release multiple substances, known as myokines, which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases.
  • Use supplements that combat inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin® is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high-level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation, and are the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Weight-control
    Being overweight causes increased friction on your hips and knees. Although weight-loss can be very difficult to achieve, there are certain strategies that you can follow that will significantly increase your chance of success. Read more about weight-loss strategies.
  • Surgery
    In some cases of advanced osteoarthritic disease, surgery may be required.

Slipped Disk

What is a slipped disc?

The spine consists of 24 individual bones called vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. These give the spine strength and rigidity. To enable bending and flexibility, circular pads of pliable connective tissue are situated between each vertebra. These are therefore called intervertebral discs. Under certain circumstances, especially when a sudden downwards force is applied to the intervertebral disc (such as in the case of a whiplash injury or from lifting a heavy object), the internal structure gives way and the disc collapses. This occurrence is referred to as a “slipped disc”, although strictly speaking, no actual “slipping” has really taken place. The medical terms that are used to describe the same problem are “herniated disc” or “prolapsed disc”. Once collapsed, some section of the disc may bulge outwards, an occurrence that may cause certain neurological complications including pressure on spinal nerves and a referred pain syndrome.

What causes a slipped disc?

A slipped disc is largely caused by a medical condition called spondylosis. Key to this process is the corrosive effects of several highly caustic enzyme systems that are released and activated by inflammation.

What is spondylosis?

Spondylosis is a collective term used to describe the combined effects of several degenerative processes that progressively start to affect the spine. It usually begins in one or more of the circular pads of soft tissue between the vertebrae called intervertebral discs, and then spreads to surrounding tissues such as ligaments and bones.

What are the symptoms of spondylosis?

Although spondylosis may occur without causing many symptoms, it is mostly associated with some degree of pain and stiffness of the spine. Certain neurological complications may also occur. Cervical spondylosis involves the intervertebral discs of the neck, whilst occurrence in the lower back is referred to as lumbar spondylosis. Symptoms are dependent on the severity of the condition. Pain can either be local, causing regional pain, or referred, causing pain to travel down the arm or leg. Referred pain is caused by nerves that are either trapped or irritated in the spine. It is quite common for both local and referred pain to occur simultaneously.

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis?

Localised symptoms

  • neck and shoulder pain
  • headaches radiating up the neck to the back of the head (tension type headaches)
  • stiffness and decreased mobility of the neck

Referred symptoms

  • pins and needles in the arm, hands or fingers
  • pain radiating down the arms towards the hands
  • loss of feeling in parts of your hands

What are the symptoms of lumbar spondylosis?

Localised symptoms

  • lower backache
  • stiffness and decreased mobility of the back

Referred symptoms

  • pins and needles in the legs, buttocks, feet, or toes
  • pain radiating down the legs and buttocks towards the feet
  • difficulty in maintaining your balance
  • problems with bladder control (advanced cases)

How is spondylosis diagnosed?

Once suspected in a clinical context, the diagnosis of spondylosis is confirmed via an imaging procedure such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. The most obvious feature visible on the radiological image is the collapse or disintegration of one or more intervertebral discs, as judged by loss of height when compared to normal discs. Later features are the distortion of the bony skeleton in the immediate vicinity of the collapsed disc, caused by inflammatory damage and the growth of bony projections or spurs along the collapsed disc’s margins. These are called osteophytes and resemble the tip of a parrot’s beak in appearance.

How does spondylosis develop?

Spondylosis is often triggered by a traumatic event such as an injury, especially when a sudden downwards force is applied to a normal or healthy intervertebral disc. Examples are whiplash injuries and strains caused by the lifting of heavy objects. However, the slow but progressive deterioration of intervertebral discs over time, caused by chronic inflammation, is also a major contributing factor. This is because chronic inflammation slowly degrades the basic structure of a disc and “softens” it, making the disc more vulnerable to injury. An inflamed disc also becomes increasingly less resilient to the daily micro-trauma that is caused by the usual stresses and strains of normal activity.

Which factors contribute to spondylosis?

Within a healthy spine, intervertebral discs are largely avascular and aneural, meaning that in their normal state they contain neither blood vessels nor nerves. New research has demonstrated that an early sign predicting the onset of the future disease is the microscopic appearance of blood vessels and nerve fibres that progressively start to tunnel through a healthy disc. New blood vessels provide access to several inflammatory factors present in blood plasma, which result in progressive damage to the disc.

Why does inflammation damage the intervertebral discs?

Intervertebral discs are predominantly made out of protein in the form of collagen fibres. These provide a robust, mesh-like structure that accommodates other protein-based molecules making up the rest of the disc (proteoglycans & aggrecans). This unique structural arrangement enables the spine to resist the extreme tensile forces required when lifting, bending and rotating the body.

Starting at the outer, more durable layer (annulus fibrosus), the progressive infiltration of blood vessels into the pliable inner core of the intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus) provide access to inflammatory components present in the bloodstream. This activates an escalatory biochemical cascade that progressively degrades a healthy disc through powerful enzymatic action. Degradation is also accelerated by the activity of white blood cells which, under normal conditions, contain large quantities of severely caustic enzymes. These serve as the main offensive weapon used to eradicate and digest harmful microorganisms. Once these enzymes are released within the intervertebral disc, they rapidly degrade the protein-structures that the disc is made of.

Why does pain often gets worse?

The progressive infiltration of a network of new nerve fibres creates a rich network of additional neural pathways both around and within the core of the intervertebral disc. These new neural pathways then result in the signalling of pain from previously unconnected regions. Additional neural pathways also increase the volume of signals thereby enhancing the total sensation of pain. The increased nerve signals from the spinal cord to the neighbouring back and neck muscles also triggers muscle tension and spasm, which significantly aggravates pain. A vicious cycle ensues. During this process, several other pain related syndromes are also likely to develop. Examples are hyperalgesia, or abnormally increased sensitivity to pain, and allodynia, during which minor stimuli such as touch and temperature, now trigger a significantly exaggerated pain response.

How is spondylosis treated?

Acute pain management

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long-term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease the pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or a hot-water bottle. Heat dilates the blood vessels which improves blood supply to the back and helps to reduce muscle spasms. Heat also alters the sensation of pain. (Some find cold packs offering better relief – for example, a bag of frozen peas).
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy may prove helpful. A good massage may also assist. Therapy may reduce inflammation, correct posture, muscle tension, or other contributors to neck pain.

Preventative self-help strategies:

By preserving the integrity and mobility of your back you are in turn protecting it from the consequences of chronic inflammatory damage over time. Judging from the number of people in the world who become permanently disabled from a chronic backache, these easy to implement but important strategies will likely prove one of the most worthwhile investments in your overall health.

  • Stretch your back
    Stretching is a form of physical exercise during which a contracted, tight, or painfully stiff ligament or muscle group is deliberately lengthened in order to improve its elasticity and achieve a more relaxed tone. When done properly, this results in a more comfortable feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. Regular stretching is an excellent way to alleviate muscle inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen your back muscles with exercise
    Although exercise is usually not advisable for acute back pain, proper exercise can help ease chronic pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. Modern research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role that muscle tissue play as an endocrine (hormone-producing) organ. Contracting muscles release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines also have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory effects will assist you locally with inflammation in your spine, as well as systemically in the rest of your body. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing a herniated disc by slowing down their age-related deterioration as a result of chronic inflammation. It can also help keep your supporting back muscles strong and supple. Always stretch properly in order to warm-up and cool down properly before and after any workout or sports activity.
  • Use supplements that naturally reduce inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin® is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high-level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation and are also the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Surgery
    In a small number of cases, surgery may be required to remove a section of a damaged prolapsed disc that is pressing on a nerve.


What is spondylosis?

Spondylosis is a collective term used to describe the combined effects of several degenerative processes that progressively start to affect the spine. It usually begins in one or more of the circular pads of soft tissue between the vertebrae called intervertebral discs, and then spreads to surrounding tissues such as ligaments and bones.

What are the symptoms of spondylosis?

Although spondylosis may occur without causing many symptoms, it is mostly associated with some degree of pain and stiffness of the spine. Certain neurological complications may also occur. Cervical spondylosis involves the intervertebral discs of the neck, whilst occurrence in the lower back is referred to as lumbar spondylosis. Symptoms are dependent on the severity of the condition. Pain can either be local, causing regional pain, or referred, causing pain to travel down the arm or leg. Referred pain is caused by nerves that are either trapped or irritated in the spine. It is quite common for both local and referred pain to occur simultaneously.

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis?

Localised symptoms

  • neck and shoulder pain
  • headaches radiating up the neck to the back of the head (tension type headaches)
  • stiffness and decreased mobility of the neck

Referred symptoms

  • pins and needles in the arm, hands or fingers
  • pain radiating down the arms towards the hands
  • loss of feeling in parts of your hands

What are the symptoms of lumbar spondylosis?

Localised symptoms

  • lower backache
  • stiffness and decreased mobility of the back

Referred symptoms

  • pins and needles in the legs, buttocks, feet, or toes
  • pain radiating down the legs and buttocks towards the feet
  • difficulty in maintaining your balance
  • problems with bladder control (advanced cases)

How is spondylosis diagnosed?

Once suspected in a clinical context, the diagnosis of spondylosis is confirmed via an imaging procedure such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. The most obvious feature visible on the radiological image is the collapse or disintegration of one or more intervertebral discs, as judged by loss of height when compared to normal discs. Later features are the distortion of the bony skeleton in the immediate vicinity of the collapsed disc, caused by inflammatory damage and the growth of bony projections or spurs along the collapsed disc’s margins. These are called osteophytes and resemble the tip of a parrot’s beak in appearance.

How does spondylosis develop?

Spondylosis is often triggered by a traumatic event such as an injury, especially when a sudden downwards force is applied to a normal or healthy intervertebral disc. Examples are whiplash injuries and strains caused by the lifting of heavy objects. However, the slow but progressive deterioration of intervertebral discs over time, caused by chronic inflammation, is also major contributing factor. This is because chronic inflammation slowly degrades the basic structure of a disc and “softens” it, making the disc not only more vulnerable to injury. An inflamed disc also becomes increasingly less resilient to the daily micro-trauma that is caused by the usual stresses and strains of normal activity.

Which factors contribute to spondylosis?

Within a healthy spine, intervertebral discs are largely avascular and aneural, meaning that in their normal state they contain neither blood vessels nor nerves. New research has demonstrated that an early sign predicting the onset of future disease is the microscopic appearance of blood vessels and nerve fibres that progressively start to tunnel through a healthy disc. New blood vessels provide access to several inflammatory factors present in blood plasma, which result in progressive damage to the disc.

Why does inflammation damage the intervertebral discs?

Intervertebral discs are predominantly made out of protein in the form of collagen fibres. These provide a robust, mesh-like structure that accommodates other protein-based molecules making up the rest of the disc (proteoglycans & aggrecans). This unique structural arrangement enables the spine to resist the extreme tensile forces required when lifting, bending and rotating the body. Starting at the outer, more durable layer (annulus fibrosus), the progressive infiltration of blood vessels into the pliable inner core of the intervertebral disk (nucleus pulposus) provide access to inflammatory components present in the blood stream. This activates an escalatory biochemical cascade that progressively degrades a healthy disk through powerful enzymatic action. Degradation is also accelerated by the activity of white blood cells which, under normal conditions, contain large quantities of severely caustic enzymes. These serve as the main offensive weapon used to eradicate and digest harmful microorganisms. Once these enzymes are released within the intervertebral disk, they rapidly degrade the protein-structures that the disc is made of.

Why does pain often gets worse?

The progressive infiltration of a network of new nerve fibres creates a rich network of additional neural pathways both around and within the core of the intervertebral disc. These new neural pathways then result in the signalling of pain from previously unconnected regions. Additional neural pathways also increase the volume of signals thereby enhancing the total sensation of pain. The increased nerve signals from the spinal cord to the neighbouring back and neck muscles also triggers muscle tension and spasm, which significantly aggravates pain. A vicious cycle ensues. During this process several other pain related syndromes are also likely to develop. Examples are hyperalgesia, or abnormally increased sensitivity to pain, and allodynia, during which minor stimuli such as touch and temperature, now trigger a significantly exaggerated pain response.

How is spondylosis treated?

Acute pain management

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or a hot-water bottle. Heat dilates the blood vessels which improves blood supply to the back and helps to reduce muscle spasms. Heat also alters the sensation of pain. (Some find cold packs offering better relief – for example, a bag of frozen peas).
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy will prove helpful. A good massage may also assist. Therapy may reduce inflammation, correct posture, muscle tension, or other contributors to neck pain.

Preventative self-help strategies:

By preserving the integrity and mobility of your back you are in turn protecting it from the consequences of chronic inflammatory damage over time. Judging from the number of people in the world who become permanently disabled from chronic back ache, these easy to implement but important strategies will likely prove one of the most worthwhile investments in your overall health.

  • Stretch your back Stretching is a form of physical exercise during which a contracted, tight, or painfully stiff ligament or muscle group is deliberately lengthened in order to improve its elasticity and achieve a more relaxed tone. When done properly, this results in a more comfortable feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. Regular stretching is an excellent way to alleviate muscle inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen your back muscles with exercise Although exercise is usually not advisable for acute back pain, proper exercise can help ease chronic pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. Modern research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role that muscle tissue play as an endocrine (hormone producing) organ. Contracting muscles release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines also have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory effects will assist you locally with inflammation in your spine, as well as systemically in the rest of your body. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing a herniated disc by slowing down their age-related deterioration as a result of chronic inflammation. It can also help keep your supporting back muscles strong and supple. Always stretch properly in order to warm up and cool down properly before and after any workout or sports activity.
  • Use supplements that naturally reduce inflammation Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation, and are also the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Surgery
    In a small number of cases, surgery may be required to remove a section of a damaged prolapsed disc that is pressing on a nerve.


What is sciatica?

Sciatica is the medical term for any sort of pain that is caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that runs from your lower back (lumber spine) past your pelvis down your leg towards your foot. The sciatic nerve is made up from five separate nerve roots, which leave the spinal column between each of the five vertebrae which form the lumber spine.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Sciatic pain may present as a dull, nagging pain which runs from your lumbar spine down the back, outside, or front of your leg. It is often compared to toothache. Sharp, stabbing pains may also be experienced, often triggered by movement. Symptoms usually only occur on one side of the body, but in certain cases pain occur on both sides of the body. Sciatica may not necessarily be associated with the presence of pain in the lower back. It may also present as weakness, pins and needles or numbness that may occur in various parts of the leg and foot.

What causes sciatica or sciatic pain?

Common causes (around 90%):

  • Spondylosis / Intervertebral disc degeneration – In the majority of cases sciatic pain is due to the collapse of one or more of the rubbery pads of tough, elastic tissue situated between the vertebrae, called intervertebral discs. Under certain circumstances, especially when a sudden downwards force is suddenly applied to the intervertebral disc such as in the case of an injury or as a result of lifting a heavy object, the internal structure of the disc gives way and it ruptures or collapses. The medical terms used to describe this phenomenon are “herniated disc” or “prolapsed disc” and the general condition that leads to disc degeneration is called spondylosis. Once collapsed, some portion of the disk may bulge outwards and press on one of the five nerve roots that collectively form the sciatic nerve (See below).

Rare causes (around 10%):

  • Spondylolisthesis – the forward displacement of a vertebra, especially the fifth lumbar vertebra, most commonly occurring after a fracture. (Backward displacement is referred to as retrolisthesis).
  • Spinal stenosis – the abnormal narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal that may occur in any part of the spine.
  • Piriformis syndrome – caused by the piriformis muscle, either as a result of inflammation or direct pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Pelvic tumors – a rare cause.
  • Pregnancy – direct compression by a baby’s head.

How is spondylosis diagnosed?

Once suspected in a clinical context, the diagnosis of spondylosis is confirmed via an imaging procedure such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. The most obvious feature visible on the radiological image is the collapse or disintegration of one or more intervertebral discs, as judged by loss of height when compared to normal discs. Later features are the distortion of the bony skeleton in the immediate vicinity of the collapsed disc, caused by inflammatory damage and the growth of bony projections or spurs along the collapsed disc’s margins. These are called osteophytes and resemble the tip of a parrot’s beak in appearance.

How does spondylosis develop?

Spondylosis is often triggered by a traumatic event such as an injury, especially when a sudden downwards force is applied to a normal or healthy intervertebral disc. Examples are whiplash injuries and strains caused by the lifting of heavy objects. However, the slow but progressive deterioration of intervertebral discs over time, caused by chronic inflammation, is also major contributing factor. This is because chronic inflammation slowly degrades the basic structure of a disc and “softens” it, making the disc more vulnerable to injury. An inflamed disc also becomes increasingly less resilient to the daily micro-trauma that is caused by the usual stresses and strains of normal activity.

Which factors contribute to spondylosis?

Within a healthy spine, intervertebral discs are largely avascular and aneural, meaning that in their normal state they contain neither blood vessels nor nerves. New research has demonstrated that an early sign predicting the onset of future disease is the microscopic appearance of blood vessels and nerve fibres that progressively start to tunnel through a healthy disc. New blood vessels provide access to several inflammatory factors present in blood plasma, which result in progressive damage to the disc.

Why does inflammation damage the intervertebral discs?

Intervertebral discs are predominantly made out of protein in the form of collagen fibres. These provide a robust, mesh-like structure that accommodates other protein-based molecules making up the rest of the disc (proteoglycans & aggrecans). This unique structural arrangement enables the spine to resist the extreme tensile forces required when lifting, bending and rotating the body.

Starting at the outer, more durable layer (annulus fibrosus), the progressive infiltration of blood vessels into the pliable inner core of the intervertebral disk (nucleus pulposus) provide access to inflammatory components present in the blood stream. This activates an escalatory biochemical cascade that progressively degrades a healthy disk through powerful enzymatic action. Degradation is also accelerated by the activity of white blood cells which, under normal conditions, contain large quantities of severely caustic enzymes. These serve as the main offensive weapon used to eradicate and digest harmful microorganisms. Once these enzymes are released within the intervertebral disk, they rapidly degrade the protein-structures that the disc is made of.

Why does pain often gets worse?

The progressive infiltration of a network of new nerve fibres creates a rich network of additional neural pathways both around and within the core of the intervertebral disc. These new neural pathways then result in the signalling of pain from previously unconnected regions. Additional neural pathways also increase the volume of signals thereby enhancing the total sensation of pain. The increased nerve signals from the spinal cord to the neighbouring back and neck muscles also triggers muscle tension and spasm, which significantly aggravates pain. A vicious cycle ensues. During this process several other pain related syndromes are also likely to develop. Examples are hyperalgesia, or abnormally increased sensitivity to pain, and allodynia, during which minor stimuli such as touch and temperature, now trigger a significantly exaggerated pain response.

How is spondylosis treated?

Acute pain management

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or a hot-water bottle. Heat dilates the blood vessels which improves blood supply to the back and helps to reduce muscle spasms. Heat also alters the sensation of pain. (Some find cold packs offering better relief – for example, a bag of frozen peas).
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy may prove helpful. A good massage may also assist. Therapy may reduce inflammation, correct posture, muscle tension, or other contributors to neck pain.

Preventative self-help strategies:

By preserving the integrity and mobility of your back you are in turn protecting it from the consequences of chronic inflammatory damage over time. Judging from the number of people in the world who become permanently disabled from chronic back ache, these easy to implement but important strategies will likely prove one of the most worthwhile investments in your overall health.

  • Stretch your back
    Stretching is a form of physical exercise during which a contracted, tight, or painfully stiff ligament or muscle group is deliberately lengthened in order to improve its elasticity and achieve a more relaxed tone. When done properly, this results in a more comfortable feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion. Regular stretching is an excellent way to alleviate muscle inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthen your back muscles with exercise
    Although exercise is usually not advisable for acute back pain, proper exercise can help ease chronic pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. Modern research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated through the role that muscle tissue play as an endocrine (hormone producing) organ. Contracting muscles release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines also have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases. These anti-inflammatory effects will assist you locally with inflammation in your spine, as well as systemically in the rest of your body. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing a herniated disc by slowing down their age-related deterioration as a result of chronic inflammation. It can also help keep your supporting back muscles strong and supple. Always stretch properly in order to warm up and cool down properly before and after any workout or sports activity.
  • Use supplements that naturally reduce inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate and potentially help to prevent osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc degeneration, and osteoporosis. These three separate but interlinked conditions are all caused by inflammation, and are also the three predominant causes of most cases of chronic back and neck pain. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Surgery
    In a small number of cases, surgery may be required to remove a section of a damaged prolapsed disc that is pressing on a nerve.


What Is Gout?

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by the slow but progressive accumulation of uric acid crystals within joints spaces as well as the surrounding soft tissues. For several reasons, the presence of these crystals has the ability to provoke the immune system and activate severe bouts of inflammation, often at a rapid rate.

What are the symptoms of gout?

As compared to other causes of joint inflammation, acute attacks of gout are characterised by agonising pain. The most common symptom of gout is pain and swelling in the first joint of the big toe. This symptom is called ‘podagra’ in medical terms and occurs in about 50% of cases of gout. Other regions that gout may affect are the insteps, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. Episodes of pain are intermittent, and may take weeks or months to reoccur. In a more advanced stage, gout may become chronic and cause permanent symptoms.

What is uric acid?

Uric acid is a natural by-product of the metabolic breakdown of purines, protein-based substance found in DNA and RNA. Uric acid on its own may not pose a problem, but the crystallisation of uric acid within a joint or the adjacent soft tissue leads to gout. This process is directly dependant on blood uric acid levels.

What influences blood uric acid levels?

After production, uric acid is dissolved in the blood and passed through the kidneys where it is eliminated from the body as a natural waste product. If there is an increase in the rate of production of uric acid, or if the kidneys do not eliminate enough uric acid from the body, uric acid blood levels increase, resulting in a condition called hyperuricemia. Uric acid blood levels are therefore dependent on both the production as well as excretion of uric acid.

What causes high blood levels?

Under-excretion of uric acid by the kidney is by far the primary cause of high blood uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) and accounts for about 90% of cases. Various factors contribute to under-excretion, including genetics, diet and certain medication. Overproduction only causes about 10% of cases of hyperuricemia. In this case hyperuricemia may result when a person eats too much high-purine containing food, or eats too much food in general.

How does gout develop?

Based on the blood uric acid levels and the presence of symptoms, gout can be divided into stages:

  • Stage 1 – Asymptomatic hyperuricemia. (meaning without symptoms)
    This is the early stage where a person has elevated uric acid blood levels (hyperuricemia), but displays no other symptoms suggestive of gout. Depending on blood uric acid levels, treatment is usually not required at this stage. This is because hyperuricemia is not considered a disease in itself and may not pose a health risk until symptoms develop.
  • Stage 2 – Acute gout / acute gouty arthritis.
    By now chronically elevated uric acid blood levels has led to the deposition and crystallisation of uric acid within the joint spaces and surrounding soft tissues. This triggers bouts of severe inflammation resulting in intense pain of sudden onset. Acute attacks commonly occur at night and can be triggered by a variety of factors including stressful events, a minor injury, excess alcohol intake, certain medication, or the presence of another illness. Attacks usually subside within 3 to 10 days, even without treatment, and the next attack may not occur for months or even years. As increasing quantities of uric acid crystals start to accumulate within joints and soft tissues over time, attacks occur more frequently and last longer, and may eventually become persisting and chronic. If left untreated, recurrent bouts of inflammation triggered by gout will cause progressive and permanent damage to a joint.
  • Stage 3 – Chronic tophaceous gout.
    If preventative treatment of stage 1 and 2 gout is neglected, the accumulation of uric acid crystals may progress to such a degree that visible lumps of uric acid deposits start forming under the skin. This may also lead to the distortion of a joint. Subcutaneous uric acid deposits are called tophi, hence the term tophaceous gout. When surgically drained, tophi exude a chalky white substance similar to toothpaste in consistency. Chronic tophaceous gout is the most disabling stage of gout. At this stage the disease would most likely have caused permanent damage to the affected joints. High uric acid levels may also affect the kidneys where uric acid kidney stones are formed.

What is “Pseudo-gout”?

Gout is sometimes confused with other forms of arthritis because the symptoms are very similar. One of these conditions is “pseudo-gout” where the pain, swelling, and inflammation also presents in a sudden and severe manner, and thus mimics the symptoms of gout. However, pseudo-gout is caused by the accumulation of calcium phosphate crystals within a joint, not uric acid.

What are the risk factors for gout?

A number of risk factors are associated with hyperuricemia and gout. They include:

  • Genetics – There is a strong family history of the disease. In most of these cases these individuals excrete less uric acid via their kidneys.
  • Gender – Men are more commonly affected than women.
  • Weight – Being overweight increases the risk of developing hyperuricemia and gout through providing more tissue for turnover or breakdown, leading to excess uric acid production.
  • Alcohol consumption – Too much alcohol can lead to hyperuricemia, since alcohol blocks uric acid excretion by the kidneys.
  • Diet – Eating too many foods that are rich in purines or eating too much food in general can increase blood uric acid content. (See below).
  • Medical conditions – Some diseases may cause an excessively rapid turnover of cells, increasing uric acid waste. Some examples are psoriasis, haemolytic anaemia and some forms of cancer.
  • Medications – Diuretics, aspirin, cyclosporine and levodopa may affect uric acid excretion by the kidneys.

Which foods are high in purine content?

Purines are found in high concentration in meat and meat products, especially internal organs. In general, plant-based diets are low in purines. Specific examples of high-purine foods include anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel, scallops, liver, kidneys, brains, meat extracts (e.g., Oxo, Bovril), game meats, beer (from the yeast), and gravy.

A moderate amount of purine is also contained in beef, pork, poultry, other fish and seafood, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, mushrooms, green peas, lentils, dried peas, beans, oatmeal, wheat bran and wheat germ.

How is gout treated?

With proper treatment, most people who experience gout are able to control their symptoms and prevent further deterioration. Treatment aims to ease the pain associated with acute attacks as well as to prevent future episodes. Since gout may also lead to the formation of tophi and kidney stones, focus should also be placed on avoiding the development of these conditions.

Step I – dealing with acute attacks

  • Prescription medication
    The severe pain caused by acute attack of gout can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, or colchicine. In severe cases these can be used in combination. Although effective with reducing inflammation and controlling pain caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals, these drugs have no effect on the amount of uric acid present with the blood stream, soft tissue or joints.

Step 2 – preventing future attacks and protecting your joints from permanent damage

  • Prescription medication
    Since hyperuricemia and gout are chronic conditions, the ideal approach is to lower uric acid levels through either increasing the rate of excretion of uric acid by the kidney, or by lowering the production of uric acid in the body. The drugs probenecid and allopurinol are commonly used for this purpose.
  • Supplements that help prevent inflammation
    In addition to lowering blood uric acid levels with prescription drugs, several natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing certain pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. Read more about RheumaLin.

Complex regional pain syndrome

What is complex regional pain syndrome?

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is the experience of persistent and severe, long-lasting, and debilitating pain, often after an injury to bone or soft tissue. In many cases of the disease, pain slowly fades over time, and may disappear completely. However, in some cases the symptoms of CRPS may persist for years. Middle aged woman seem to be more susceptible to the condition.

What are the symptoms of CRPS?

CRPS primarily presents as continuous and severe burning, stabbing, or stinging pain in the arms, legs, hands, or feet. Although the condition begins at the site of injury, the symptoms often spread to the rest of the limb, usually on one side of the body. Pain may, however, begin to affect other regions of the body as the disease progresses. Additional common symptoms include tingling and numbness of the affected areas, as well as increased sensitivity to pain in the surrounding skin (hyperalgesia). Sensitivity may increase to such an extent that normally painless stimuli (such as soft touch or slight change in temperature) trigger extreme discomfort (allodynia). Episodes of increased pain may be experienced intermittently, known as “flare-ups”, and may last days or weeks.

A number of other symptoms besides chronic pain may also occur, including:

  • Swelling and stiffness of affected areas and joints
  • Muscle spasms and tremors
  • Osteoporosis in the affected limb
  • The feeling that the affected area is not part of one’s body, is out of proportion, or other extraordinary sensations
  • Skin may be at times hot, red, and dry, and at others, cold, blue, and sweaty
  • Unusual rapid or slow growth and fragility of hair and nails, and nails may become grooved

What further complications are associated with CRPS?

Severe chronic pain in this form can result in a significant reduction in quality of life. One’s ability to move, travel, think clearly, and sleep is retarded, leading to both physiological and psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, and even suicide.

A number of other complications may also result, but are rare. These include open sores and skin infections, shortening and reduced movability of muscles (muscle contractures), and the wasting away of muscles (muscle atrophy).

How is CRPS treated?

  • Step 1 – the alleviation of acute pain to improve your quality of life and help you to remain functional and productive.
  • Step 2 – the implementation of preventative self-help strategies to control your level of pain, maintain mobility, and reduce chronic inflammation.

Acute pain management

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these are good options to assist with acute pain. However, they should all be used with caution over the long term, since as a class, these drugs pose a significant side-effect risk relating to cardio-vascular, gastro-intestinal and kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to your neck can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or hot-water bottle. Heat alters the sensation of pain. Cold (for example a bag of frozen peas) may reduce inflammation by decreasing the size of blood vessels and the flow of blood to the area, and may reduce the sensation of pain through reducing nerve activity.
  • Rehabilitation therapies – Physiotherapy, biokinetics, or chiropractic therapy will prove helpful.

Preventative self-help strategies:

  • Exercise
    Research has shown that regular exercise provides numerous benefits for those suffering from CRPS. Exercise can decrease pain, increase flexibility, strengthen the heart and improve blood flow, help maintain weight, promote general physical fitness and improve mood. Contracting muscles also release multiple substances, known as myokines, which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various inflammatory diseases.
  • Use supplements that combat inflammation
    Various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making them an attractive approach when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised. They combat inflammation via biochemical mechanisms that are different to those of existing anti-inflammatory drugs. A large number of high-level research projects have produced strong evidence that these agents alleviate inflammation. Read more about RheumaLin.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by an autoimmune disorder. This means that your immune system mistakenly recognises some tissue or organ as foreign or potentially threatening, and inadvertently attacks it. During RA, this tissue is the synovium, a fibrous membrane that coats the inside of your joint cavities. As a consequence, severe inflammation is initiated. This results in significant corrosive damage to the interior of a joint through the release of several highly caustic protein-dissolving enzymes. Besides damaging the synovium, these enzymes also progressively degrade all other adjacent joint components, such as cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bone. In a more advanced stage, progressive tissue destruction can cause a joint to lose its shape and alignment, and become visibly distorted.

What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

Although the underlying mechanism involves the body’s immune system attacking the joints, the exact trigger is still not clearly understood and is generally believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors:

  • Family history – if a direct member of your family has had rheumatoid arthritis, you are at an increased risk. While your genes don’t directly cause rheumatoid arthritis, they can make you more prone to environmental factors such as infection, which may activate your immune system.
  • Smoking – cigarette smoke is the most significant non-genetic risk factor. Rheumatoid arthritis is three times more common in smokers than non-smokers, particularly among men.
  • Infections – certain viruses and bacteria are suspected to increase the risk. Epidemiological studies have confirmed a potential association between rheumatoid arthritis and two viral infections, namely Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6).
  • Gender – women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. The disease may improve during pregnancy and flare up afterwards, while breastfeeding may aggravate the disease. Additionally, a person’s likelihood of developing RA may be increased slightly by hormonal contraceptive use. These observations suggest that certain female hormones, or possibly deficiencies or changes in the response to hormones, promote the development of rheumatoid arthritis in a genetically susceptible woman who has been exposed to an environmental trigger.
  • Age – although rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age, it is more common after the age of 40.

What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis typically manifests with signs of inflammation in the joint. Specifically, the affected joint becomes swollen, warm, painful and stiff. A prominent feature which distinguishes RA from osteoarthritis is increased morning stiffness upon waking, which typically lasts for up to an hour. The small joints of the hands, feet and cervical spine, are most commonly affected, but larger joints like the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles can also be involved. Gentle movements may relieve symptoms in early stages of the disease. The following symptoms are common:

  • Swollen, tender, warm, and stiff joints.
  • More than one joint involved at the same time (polyarthritis).
  • Both large- and small-joints (fingers) involved at the same time.
  • Symmetrical pattern, namely similar joints on both sides of the body are simultaneously involved.
  • Inflammation in the fingers mostly affects the finger-joints closest to the hand (Osteoarthritis affects the opposite joints).
  • Morning stiffness which lasts more than 30 minutes.
  • General symptoms such as fatigue, low grade fever, malaise, loss of appetite and loss of weight.
  • Deformity of joints and fingers in more advanced cases.

What are the common complications of rheumatoid arthritis?

Although rheumatoid arthritis predominantly affects the synovium and therefore causes joint disease, the inflammatory process activated by the immune system may have a detrimental effect on other organs. Examples are:

  • Skin – the appearance of subcutaneous lumps called rheumatoid nodules. These range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size and are usually found over bony prominences, such as the elbow, the heel, the knuckles, or other areas of skin exposed to repeated mechanical stress.
  • Lungs – fibrosis or scaring of the lungs may occur, either as a direct result of the disease or as consequence of treatment (methotrexate and leflunomide).
  • Kidneys – chronic damage from inflammation. Treatment with penicillamine and gold salts may also lead to renal disease.
  • Heart and blood vessels – individuals with rheumatoid arthritis are more prone to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Risk of heart attack (myocardial infarction) and stroke is therefore markedly increased.
  • Eyes – inflammation of the sclera (episcleritis) and dry eye syndrome.
  • Blood – anaemia caused by a variety of mechanisms.
  • Neurological – peripheral neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Bones – osteoporosis, both local (around inflamed joints) and systemic. This is caused by immobility, inflammation (as a result of certain inflammatory signalling molecules called cytokines), as well as corticosteroid therapy.

How is rheumatoid arthritis treated?

The goals of treatment are:

  • To relieve pain
  • To reduce inflammation
  • To slow or stop joint damage
  • To improve a person’s sense of well-being and ability to function

Current treatment approaches are:

  • Medication
  • Lifestyle strategies
  • Surgery
  • Routine monitoring and ongoing care


  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) – these are the primary treatment for RA and have been found to improve symptoms, decrease joint damage, and improve overall DMARDs should ideally be started early in the disease since they result in disease remission in approximately half of patients. They comprise a diverse collection of different drugs grouped according to their pharmaceutical function. Common DMARDs include methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, leflunomide, and sulfasalazine. Other DMARDs, called biologic response modifiers, may be used in people with more serious disease. These are genetically engineered medications that reduce inflammation and structural damage to the joints by interrupting the cascade of events that cause inflammation. Examples are abatacept, adalimumab, anakinra, certolizumab, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab, rituximab, tocilizumab, and tofacitinib. (Ask your rheumatologist for advice).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) – these include the COX-2 inhibitors and reduce both pain and stiffness in those with RA. Generally, no effect on people’s long term disease course is observed and are therefore no longer first line agents. NSAIDs should be used with caution in those with increased risk of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, or kidney disease. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).
  • Steroids – glucocorticoids can be used over the short term for acute flare-ups, especially when waiting for slow-onset drugs to take effect. Injections of glucocorticoids into individual joints are also effective. While long-term use reduces joint damage, it also results in osteoporosis and an increased susceptibility to infections. (Ask your doctor for advice).
  • Analgesics – paracetamol (acetaminophen) and opiates or opiate derivatives are often required to help alleviate acute pain. These drugs serve as symptomatic relief, lowering the sensation of pain, but do not combat the underlying cause. Opiates may cause drowsiness, constipation and addiction. (Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice).

Lifestyle strategies:

  • Exercise – regular exercise is recommended as both safe and useful to maintain muscle strength and overall physical function. However, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis need to balance rest and exercise, with more rest during stages when the disease is active and more exercise when it is not. Rest reduces active joint inflammation, pain, and fatigue. Resting time varies from person to person, but shorter rest breaks are generally more helpful than long times spent in bed. Exercise is important for maintaining healthy and strong muscles, preserving joint mobility, maintaining flexibility, improving sleep better, reducing pain, maintaining a positive attitude, and managing weight. Exercise programs should take into account the person’s physical abilities, limitations, and changing needs. Contracting muscles also release substances called myokines, which promote the growth of new tissue and facilitate tissue repair. Myokines have multiple anti-inflammatory effects, which in turn reduce your overall risk of developing various other inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease.
  • Use supplements that combat inflammation – various natural molecules derived from plants are highly effective in suppressing pathways involved in chronic inflammation. These generally have a low side-effect risk, making the approach attractive when compared to other pharmaceuticals. RheumaLin™ is a novel multi-modal, multi-target anti-inflammatory supplement that consists of two plant extracts, Boswellia bark extract and resveratrol. These naturally derived phytochemical plant-based compounds are widely recognised, and combat inflammation via different biochemical mechanisms compared to existing anti-inflammatory drugs. Read more about RheumaLin.
  • Hot or cold packs – applying a heat pack to inflamed joints can help to ease pain. You can use a microwavable heat pad or hot-water bottle. Heat alters the sensation of pain. Cold (for example a bag of frozen peas) may reduce inflammation by decreasing the size of blood vessels and the flow of blood to the area, and may reduce the sensation of pain through reducing nerve activity.
  • Rehabilitation therapies – physiotherapy, biokinetics, or occupational therapy will prove helpful.
  • Joint care – supporting an inflamed joint and allowing it to rest often reduces pain and swelling. Splints are useful for wrists, hands, ankles, and feet. Other ways to reduce stress on joints include self-help devices such as zipper pullers and long-handled shoe horns. Devices to assist with getting on and off chairs, toilet seats, and beds may also be required.
  • Stress reduction – besides physical hardship, individuals with rheumatoid arthritis face several emotional challenges as well. Distress, anger, and frustration stem from the disease itself, aggravated by chronic pain and physical limitations. These increase levels of stress which also increase the amount of pain that one experiences. There are a number of successful techniques for coping with stress.