Many weight-loss programmes guarantee ridiculous weight-loss results in order to attract new customers. This creates unrealistic expectations that are rarely possible to fulfil. Your doctor will tell you that the average rate of weight loss is between 0.5 and 1 kg per week. Many of our clients, however, manage weekly averages of 2kg or more, but they are fortunate and work hard at their exercise regimes to accomplish those rates. So can you!
Firstly, you need to decide how much weight you need to lose. Then, to calculate how long it will take you to achieve this goal, multiply your figure with 0.8. You may feel somewhat disappointed that it won’t happen sooner. Please don’t be. You can lose more than this if you do more exercise, but the process that you are about to begin will help you control your weight for the rest of your life, a far more important goal than rapid weight loss.
We also asked a few of our winning contestants what advice they could share with you. Here are their responses:
• “You must want to lose weight. (Determination). You must stay strong and carry on. (Persistence). Keep focussing on your end gaol – it’s not as far off as you think.
Everything is possible if you set your mind on it.” – Hein
• “Set your goal and stay focused. Believe in yourself. Know that food is not your life.
Eat to live, don’t live to eat.” – Sharon
• “Take one day at a time. There will be bad days along the way, but don’t dwell on them – move on.” – Sibongile
• “Keep going. Self-motivation sets in once results are tangible.”
– Graham (As a winner, Graham lost 59.6 kg in 25 weeks.)
• “Make your food exciting. That way you won’t get bored.” – Robert
• “The day is never ’lost’ or ‘wasted’. No matter how badly you have done, there is always at least one right choice you can still make. ”
– Tanya
• “Do it for yourself – it’s worth it!” – Riana
Diagram C – your weekly log
To track your own progress, we are providing you with a weekly log. Please record your weekly figures in the allocated spaces. To encourage your self-discipline, we ask you to commit yourself to your weight loss ambition by sending us your completed log on a monthly basis. We assure you that your identity will be kept strictly private and your statistics, which will aid us in improving our programme, will remain completely anonymous.