Forward Press- Place the palm of one hand against your forehead and apply slight pressure.
- Push your head forwards against your hand until you experience compression that is not causing too much discomfort.
- Take care to keep your head in the same position.
- Hold that position for as long as what you can comfortably sustain.
- Relax and return to starting position.
- Change hands and repeat exercise on opposite side.
- Repeat exercise 2 – 3 times on each side.
- Avoid doing if: This stretch aggravates or causes pain.
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Sideway Press- Place the palm of one hand against the side of your head and apply slight pressure.
- Push your head sideways against your hand until you experience compression that is not causing too much discomfort.
- Take care to keep your head in the same position.
- Hold that position for as long as what you can comfortably sustain.
- Relax and return to starting position.
- Change hands and repeat exercise on opposite side.
- Repeat exercise 2 – 3 times on each side.
- Avoid doing if: This stretch aggravates or causes pain.
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Ear to Shoulder Stretch- Place a bent arm at a vertical angle in front of your face.
- Hold your elbow with the opposite hand.
- Push your arm outwards whilst pulling your elbow inwards until you experience compression that is not causing too much discomfort.
- Hold that position for as long as what you can comfortably sustain.
- Relax and return to starting position.
- Change hands and repeat exercise on opposite side.
- Repeat exercise 2 – 3 times on each side.
- Avoid doing if: This stretch aggravates or causes pain.
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