

Improved and approved weight loss solution

Fighting the fat is a daily battle for many of us (recent stats suggest up to a third of South Africans are overweight or even medically obese) The fight is a source of constant torment. Not just because of feelings of low self-worth, but because we all know that being overweight can lead to all

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A stronger approach to cholesterol management

We all know that living with high cholesterol can lead to all sorts of anxiety and stress about the potential health repercussions. Repercussions that can be very real. Real, but manageable, and hopefully avoidable. That is after all why the Medicinal Nutrition Institute invested so heavily in researching plant-based ingredients, establishing the optimal blends of

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Wooden bowl filled with oats on chopping board. Various wooden spoons filled with oats or sugar. Eggs and glass of milk.

Fibre and cholesterol – not the whole story

Keeping your cholesterol levels low is one of the most important things you can do to keep your heart healthy. Our modern world, however, where fast foods and office work is the norm make this difficult task. Instead of trying to decipher and follow the myriad of advice out there though, staying focussed on a

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Avoiding Technology Before Your Child’s Bedtime

Sleep is one of the most important parts of staying mentally and physically healthy. Quality sleep is essential to self-regulation, immune function,and cardiovascular health, development of the brain, memory, attention and motivation. Inadequate sleep, has been associated with poor mental health outcomes, including ADHD-like symptoms, low mood, anxiety, depression, poor performance at work and school,

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Being The Ideal Role Model For Your Children

Children learn behaviour in a number of ways, two of which are what they are told to do and what they see others do. Out of these, observational learning, or mimicking how others act in certain situations, appears to be by far the most influential.

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AntaGolin and insulin resistance

Insulin is natural hormone which plays a major role in regulating your use of energy. Its primary role is as a signal which tells cells what to do with glucose, a form of sugar and the main fuel substance in your body. When you eat, your food is broken down into micronutrients, amino acids and

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